Warcraft 3: What we know so far

In the press release, Blizzard Entertainment has made it clear that WarCraft 3: Reforged is not a remaster, but a complete remake. The real-time strategy game has been redesigned from scratch, including a comprehensive graphics update and a set of “modern social features” including player assignment via Blizzard Battle.net. Other Battle.net features: chat, voice chat, clans and reconnection after disconnections. In addition, Blizzard promises to actively support the community – starting with an updated world editor.

WarCraft 3: Reforged includes WarCraft 3: Reign of Chaos and WarCraft 3: The Frozen Throne. The remake is anounced to be published in 2019. Here is all information summarized that we know so far.

  • WarCraft 3 and WarCraft 3: Reforged are compatible for playing together. Both versions will continue to receive new game balance patches and updates, as well as a revised ranking system.
  • Pathfinding: the navigation of the characters on the field, is also being revised and improved
  • Better Micromanagement, how exactly is still open
  • Revised multiplayer environment to optimize competitive gaming
  • Arrenged Team (AT) of WC3 will relaunch with the Release of WC3 Reforged
  • The game will be available in 13 languages
  • The Standard Edition will cost 29.99 €. The Spoils of War Edition with additional digital content for other Blizzard games will cost 39.99 €.